Many appreciate the convenience of small neck knives but actual utility is sometimes overlooked. That?s where the Kershaw Brace comes in. Despite its small profile the fixed blade has many features that enhance grip including a curved handle guard design jimping and a front handle cutout for an alternate thumb grip. These grippy additions let users get the most out its 2-inch blade. During travel secure the knife in a polypropylene neck sheath. Its dual-retention system keeps the Kershaw secure. With the sheath the full-tang knife only weighs 1.6 ounces. The Brace is easy to carry but it also packs a punch as a utilitarian winner.
- Use Everyday Outdoor Work
- Type Fixed Blade
- Style Neck Knife
- Designer Kershaw Originals
- Blade Style Drop Point
- Blade Edge Plain
- Pocketclip Key Ring
- Handle Color Silver & Black
- Sheath Polypropylene neck sheath with adjustable cord webbing slots
- Limited Lifetime Warranty